Hi guys

It's about time to continue grinding as usual.

I've been busy lately, and can hardly have free time for myself. The Beta 2.0 Rev 2 has been out for a while, but major bugs could only be confirmed until last week. Fixing cannot be done without any report. I hope any bugs found should be reported back to me via the 'Bugs Report' section immediately. Don't wait for it to pile up..

Okay as promised earlier, here is the new release for the Beta 2.0 line. Most of the features in BuffPangH Beta 2.0 Rev3 are the same as previous version, except it’s not too buggy anymore (hopefully :) ) Grab it from here(HotFile).(I will add more download source later) Enjoy v2.0 Rev3 for now. Actual v2.0 will be revealed soon.

What’s has been fixed:
  • Fixed character moving backward continuously when player pressing character ‘S’ when using Enable Keyboard Shortcut feature. (Reason: Leaked keyboard shortcut logic.)
  • Fixed lag issue in town while a player pressing any keyboard button. (Reason: Leaked keyboard shortcut logic.)
  • Fixed Dual-Spam bugs. AFK shouting will no longer create continuous in-game spam warning.
  • Fixed the Click job bugs. It’s now fully working (Reason: Were incompatible with the new Queue Manager)
  • Fixed frequent crash when using 1,000ms gap/interval on your spam job. (Reason : Leaked multitasking thread inside Queue Manager) 
  • Some codes clean up.

P/s: I have a little confession to make, the Rev 2 were kind of rushed a bit without much testing. Silly me for bugging you guys with those freezing bugs. ROFL....omg i'm soo sleepy atm. going to bed now..zzZZZZzzz

One step closer to 2.0..

By amribakri ( , , ) on 3:53 AM


Congratulations..!! ^^

Today, BuffPangH has reached 1,000 total members!! Its been a great ride. I thank you for all the support and warm response since the site started on December 2009. On this great day, I'm happy to release the latest update for the v2.0 BETA lineup...

Doing a lot of grinding lately? Is your server throwing an event this weekend? I can bet that most of you will answer YES... So, come and give BuffPangH 2.0 BETA Rev2 a try now :). Download it from here(HotFile) or here(Rapidshare) or here(MegaUpload)

What's new in v2.0 BETA Rev2 ? :
  • NEW Queue and Priority system implemented. This is a vital part for the upcoming Match Up function. Additional setting can be found under Logs & Setting tab, inside the Settings panel.

    Edit : To help you understand how Queue and Priority system works, try to play around with the Queue Delay and Sort Min setting a bit. Then, try running an Auto Heal job and an Auto Buffer Job with a small interval (e.g Auto Heal interval = 2,000ms, Auto Buffer gap = 2,000ms) with Queue Delay = 1,000ms, Sort Min = 3. Roughly, you'll noticed that the missing buff issue is GONE! (hopefully :p)
  • NEW Shortcut keys mechanic. Here is the list of the pre-configured new shortcuts:
    • Start All / Stop All : Ctrl + Alt + S
    • Manual Invoke :
      • Job 0 : Alt + ~
      • Job 1 : Alt + 1
      • Job 2 : Alt + 2
      • ....
      • Job 9 : Alt+9
    • Manual Start / Stop :
      • Job 0 : Ctrl + Alt + ~
      • Job 1 : Ctrl + Alt + 1
      • Job 2 : Ctrl + Alt + 2
      • ...
      • Job 9 : Ctrl + Alt+ 9
  • NEW Flyff Window Finder. This is a 100%-sure-method to look up a valid Flyff ID for your Flyff clients. Additional setting can be found under Logs & Setting tab, inside the Settings panel.

    Edit : Be sure to use this tool on Private Server. I can guarantee that all official Flyff server is using the default setting, but not in private servers.
  • Job's settings are now saved / loaded with every Save / Load Job function. To apply this on pre v2.0 BETA Rev2 save files, load it, apply the settings, then save it using the same filename. All the settings are now saved, and will be loaded on next load.
  • Improved Job tree ability. Re-highligthing your last position in the tree.
  • Spam Limit is now available inside Sequential Keys panel. 

Additional Notes :
  • For compatibility, please avoid using older setting.xml with this release. Use the supplied setting.xml file from this release only.
  • You might need to do some trial-and-error to get the best setting for the Job Queue. The default settings were tested only by myself. Your feedback are welcome for the best settings.
  • The Flyff Window Finder is a VERY POWERFUL tool and will help to find almost any window. I have tested this on different applications and games, and some of them are compatible with BuffPangH in terms of accepting key and click spam. Of course you need to disable the GG Bypass first and the said application/games must not using the GG-like protection.
As usual, please report back if you found any bugs/error. Cheers and happy Flyff'ing :)

Its time for 2.0(soon)..missing Flyff Window Id issue resolved

By amribakri ( , , ) on 6:34 AM


Hi guys..

It's quite a long time since my last post here. I've been very-very busy lately, plus there's WORLD CUP going. Can't help it..lol. And yes, BuffPangH is going for its version 2.0 soon.

The main highlight for v2.0 is the Match Up room. This feature will allow a user to safely share his/her character with other player without giving away any sensitive account informations.
  • Match Up
    - Add and Find new friends.
    - Sharing character (not the same as sharing account) via remote character control (character owner must set the control keys and limitation)
    - Looking for partners which is also a BuffPangH user will never been easier.
The idea here is to allow more people to support each other while not really there to play. Isn't human is way better than a bot? Everyone is welcome to contribute new ideas.

For those who are having problem with missing Flyff window Id when using BuffPangH recently, please download BuffPangH v2.0 Beta here(HotFile) | here(MegaUpload) (I will upload elsewhere later, also refresh the page if the links is not showing after you have logged in)

It will work just like the old v1.9. I found that the new patch is not really block the tool, its just a slight change in the Flyff window's class name. Who would ever thought a small name change could make BuffPangH to stop working. Oh well, its just like a typical G@L@ that we all know, slow and greed../ridicule

As usual, please report back if you found any bugs/error. Regarding to the auto-pet feeding stop working at 99.99%, its not entirely a bug. Its work as it is in order to prevent us from afk feeding. I will post a detailed guide to help those who have problems understanding the Coordinate Finder tool and using the Click Spam job. Both feature is the answer to the new pet feeding mechanism :)

Cheers and happy Flyff'ing ... ima go to sleep now. BTW, gratz to Spain for making into semifinal againts the mighty German :)

The spam frenzy begins...

By amribakri ( ) on 7:29 PM


Just sharing something interesting I found while collecting. Check out these pictures

FTW..4x Auto Pet Feeding..

FTW..4x Auto Collecting as well...

Two thumbs up!!.. Can it be he's using BuffPangH? Who knows....

BuffPang[H] Configuration

By amribakri ( , , ) on 6:57 AM


Here's a list of setting that might be useful to you when setting up your BuffPang[H] job

Recommended Retail Flyff Server settings :
  1. Log & Setting -> Enable Keyboard Shortcut -> Enable 
  2. Log & Setting -> Use GG Bypass -> Enable 
  3. Log & Setting -> Flyff Window Title -> Set "FLYFF" (Uppercase) 
  4. Log & Setting -> Send Full Key Pres event -> Enable 
Recommended Private Flyff Server Settings :
  1. Log & Setting -> Enable Keyboard Shortcut -> Enable 
  2. Log & Setting -> Use GG Bypass -> Disable 
  3. Log & Setting -> Flyff Window Title -> Set it to match the client window title(case sensitive) 
  4. Log & Setting -> Send Full Key Pres event -> Enable 
  5. Job Manager -> Job -> Configurations -> Enable Dual-Spam -> Disable 

Also, here's the Keyboard shortcut table

Note :
  1. You can only use shortcut on invokable job. 
  2. Try not to spam the shortcut keys to avoid lagging. 
  3. You can have up to 9 job in your invoke list.

Release : BuffPangH v1.9.0.0

By amribakri ( , , , ) on 8:59 AM


Finally, its completed. Let's make it short so everyone can happily get back to grinding..yeah? Grab it from here(HotFile) or here(MegaUpload)

Actually, I was away for nearly 2 weeks for various reasons. I'm really surprise when my inbox is full of email regarding BuffPangH...LOL..Never thought my little tool can be blocked by G@LA..You guys can be at ease now. It's time to kick back.. :)

New Features : 

  1. Undetected by GameGuard as for the 24th February patch update.
  2. Coord Manager is now fully working. You may now add and remove captured coordinates, and all captured coordinates are now saved automatically. With exception of the click-able button, there's seems a problem with simulating double-click.
  3. Internal Dual-Spam mechanism. This seems to be a permanent workaround to counter the Anti-Spam protection in Flyff. You no longer need to manually adding a second job after the head job like in v1.9 Beta. You can try to enable/disable this as you see fit since some people reporting the normal spam still working for them. This might not work for you if the normal spam is working fine even after the 24th Feb patch (date when eFlyff patched BuffPangH 1.9 Beta). If this still doesn't work , you have to do the second job spam trick manually..sorry.
  4. Better compatibility with Private Server clients. Configurable Flyff window title in BuffPangH to match your private server client's. Eg: xxxFlyff cannot be detected by BuffPangH due to unexpected Flyff window title("xxxFlyff").The normal Flyff window expected by BuffPangH was "Flyff". I would like to hear more from private server player on this.
  5. Various code improvement and fixes.
Also, if you have noted, the title for this release has been changed to BuffPangH. Thanks to G@l@, the name of BuffPang[H] is no longer usable. :)  I will post BuffPangH's full feature list in the Features section later.

Few things that you might need to take note :
  • Sometimes, when a settings are not applied correctly, try to restart your BuffPangH.
  • If you having problem to spam something  besides Buff,Pet Feed,Foods,Vitals,or Mana, its might be blocked by different means. G@l@ did post something back then about people abusing fireworks and equipment swapping which could lead to massive lag in town or to the server itself. Please don't complain this to me.
As usual, any bugs found should be reported under Bugs section. Same goes for suggestions. Last but not least, I could use some donation this time. I'm planning to implement a lot more feature to BuffPangH in future and try to keep it away from being locked down/blocked/detected. Cheers and happy Flyff'ing....

BuffPang[H] kicking back with

By amribakri ( , ) on 9:15 PM


Yes, G@l@.Net has finally marked BuffPang[H] as hack software, thus preventing it from being use.

Worry not guys, new fix is already done. Check this picture.

Good news is, this time they only locks out the executable file from a specific version. I might call this one as lazy patching since its really easy to fix this.

But that doesn't mean that G@l@.Net won't be locking this tool ever again. I'm looking into encryption/protection mechanism which can help this tool to survive as long as possible from being patched. 

New release will be up in few moment...I'm going to release this encryption/protection mechanism version later. But for now, enjoy BuffPang[H] v1.9.0.0

Say NO to Penya Spammner..

By amribakri ( , , ) on 9:02 PM


We finally received a good news in eFlyff (USA) regarding penya spammer infesting out town.

Client Updates Feb 9, 2010:
  • [New Feature] Ignore Player: It is now possible to block chat messages and whispers from players without having them on your Friends List.  The main idea behind this implementation is to give players a way to filter out Penya Spammers or other annoyances in the chat window.  
 How to Use the Ignore Feature:
 - To block a player, simply type the following without the quotes: /Block "playername" or /bl "playername" - Example: /Block Cromiell
 - To unblock a player, simply type the following without the quotes: /Unblock "playername" or /ubl "playername" - Example: /Unblock Cromiell
Important Note about this new feature:
 - Your list of ignored players will be RESET if you log out of the game.
 - This feature does not currently block /say messages. 
 - We feel this is an important feature and we are suggesting modifications to improve upon it.  For now, it should hopefully help reduce the spam and annoyances for some folks.
It took Gala.Net a very long time to come up with a method to stop a spammer in town. But still, this surely change our beloved Flaris town a lot. Once, chatting or saying Hi to a friend was nearly impossible thing to do in Flaris due to massive chat spammer bot that is advertising their penya selling website.

To speed up the process of blocking a penya spammer using the new /Block function, you can use right click on your general chat box. 
  1. First, hover your mouse over the penya spammer name.
  2. Right click on the name.
  3. The chat box is now filled with '/whisper [penya_spammer_name]'
  4. Press 'Home', and press Right Arrow Key once(to position your cursor next to the '/' char)
  5. Hit 'Delete' 7 times(to remove whole 'whisper' text)
  6. Type 'Block'
  7. Press 'Enter'
Its done. No more chat spam from that particular penya spammer will ever populate your chatbox. 

BuffPang[H] 1.9 Beta : Workaround 2

By amribakri ( , ) on 4:47 AM


Click job is one of the new feature in BuffPang[H] 1.9. You can choose which button to click (single or double click), the coordinate to click, and also can be used alongside a Key job. However, you might be confused at first with the new Sequential Keys interface. I wish I can think of a simpler way to place it so you can understand it easily. Hope this screenshot guide can help you :)

As for collector job, its actually a predefined combo job, between a Key job and a Click job. This is a very good example on how to manipulate and use Key and Click job.

Here is the break down of the actual collecting job content. You might need to understand this in order to learn how to wisely manipulate the Key and Click job.

BuffPang[H] 1.9 Beta : Collector FAQ

By amribakri ( , ) on 3:55 AM


The collector bot is a new feature in BuffPang[H] 1.9. I was unable to test this bot throughly since this release was meant for the quick fix of FKey spam problem. Should you encountered bugs/problem while using this tool, please send me a mail/comment.

  • I assigned my battery to FKey, and select the 'Default OK' to confirm battery change, and  'Default Start/Stop'. But its not working.
    You must not use the 'Default OK' and 'Default Start' unless your Flyff is using 1280x768 resolution setting. Please use the Coord Finder tool to find the position of the buttons for your resolution setting. Save it, and reassign your collecting job using the captured coordinate of the buttons. 
  • The collecting process is not starting for some reason. The battery is full but the collecting process will stop suddenly.
    There is a known glitch when starting a collecting process for the first time after you log into Flyff. The collecting process will not start even after pressing the Start button. I purposely added the second click into the collector job in order to fix this glitch. Please remove the second click under the Job Manager tab. Select the last job item node, and press 'Delete this Key'
  • How do I obtain the location of 'OK' button for battery change confirmation and the 'Start/Stop' button on my screen resolution setting?
    Using Double click on your battery will pops out the 'OK/No' dialog box. Use the Coord Finder tool to capture the coordinate of the 'OK' button. Save it and give 'OKButton' as coordinate name. To get the 'Start/Stop' button's coordinate, equip your char with a collector. Again, use the Coord Finder to get the coordinate to 'Start/Stop' button and save it as 'StartButton'.
  • How can I save the coordinates I have captured and load it for later use?
    Hmm..sorry, this tool is not complete in this beta. Please wait for next release.

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